A Community Circle for Learning & Practicing
in Personal and Birth Story Work

Magnum Opus, oil, 60" x 48", Pam England, ©2024
We were born Whole. After we caught the "I" virus in early childhood, our egos began to identify more and more with a personal identity, agreements, and conditioning, and thus, we separated from the Self. Psychological alchemy is about individuation, which means remembering who we truly are and becoming who we were meant to be.
About 1700 years ago, Alchemy originated in Egypt, China, India, and the Middle East. When Carl Jung was in his mid-5os he discovered alchemy. At first, he thought it was so deep and complex that he would not learn it. But it captivated him, and he spent the last 30 years of his life studying it and bringing its rich system of thought and symbols into psychotherapy and dream work.
"As a pioneer of psychology," Jung wrote in Man and His Symbols, "the rediscovery of the principles of alchemy came to be an important part of my work." The alchemy of transformation in our thoughts, body, and soul is a system utilizing knowledge of the planets, metals, elements, myths, and symbols.
The opus magnum of alchemy is our great inner work. Before we
can retreat into our internal laboratories to experiment with and
appreciate the separating of the heavy lead in our mind from the
hidden gold, we must learn the seven states of alchemical transformation,
its symbolism, and meditations. I began studying psychological alchemy
two years ago and it captivated my imagination; it seeped into my dreams,
painting, meditation, and birth story sessions. It's powerful medicine.
I am inviting you to enter the Temenos of Alchemy to be enchanted by the once secret but ever practical system of symbols, metaphors, meditations and personal practice.
It was one Aha! after another. The metaphors come from nature and returned my mind to its natural state.
-Marcia, 2024
Join us in the Temenos of Alchemy
Each week, Pam England will introduce one of the seven stages of alchemical transformation, then guide you to experience it through discussion, a meditation,
and adding to the mandala--you may make if you wish.
Wednesdays April 2 to May 14, 2025
10:00 - 11:15 am PST