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of Life & Birth Stories

an introduction to the philosophical tenets of Birth Story Medicine

Tuesday,  MAY 14    

11:00 to 2:00 pm PST 

This workshop is open to anyone new to birth story work and experienced birth story listeners who want to enrich their birth story sessions. It’s also a pre-requisite to enrolling in Pam's  “OPEN YOUR EAR Course and Apprenticeship” (starting September 5th, 2024).


The centerpiece of The Weaving of Stories workshop is the ten Philosophical Tenets of Birth Story Medicine. It's impossible to weave duplicate patterns in birth stories. Within each unique design--when you know how to listen and where to look--you will learn how to follow the threads that lead to the hidden golden nuggets of meaning.​

When you don't know how to listen to a complex birth story, it can feel as overwhelming as a tangled ball of yarn—and you don't know where to begin, what to ask, or what to say. In this workshop, we'll untangle the ball of yarn and study the weaving of a Story. At the end of just three hours, you'll come to appreciate the uniqueness of every birth story and be able to approach each session philosophically.


This philosophy of listening is what makes Birth Story Medicine® unique, uplifting, juicy, delicious, and precise in getting to the heart of the story.


After spending just three hours in your Wild, Divine Weaving Workshop, you will begin to tune into things you've never heard in a birth story, although they were probably always there! 

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