Private Session: $100.00
Private Session
Worry is the Work of Pregnancy.
Even when part of you trusts the process of birth,
it's normal to have doubts and feel uneasy when facing
uncertainty, the unknown, and the unknowable.
Childbirth is synonymous with uncertainty.
"Tiger" is a metaphor for something you fear, dread, or are trying to avoid.
It's the uneasiness in your mind, the hoping it won't happen feeling.
Even when the thing we imagine and fear isn't happening,
what's happening in the mind causes tension in the body
and releases stress hormones to protect you from ...
whatever you are worrying about.
This chronic tension can affect your blood pressure,
interfere with relaxation and opening of the cervix when the time is right...
It costs you peace of mind and resilience.
In the mind, worry can be either the prey or the predator.
Instead of the Tiger stalking you, learn to track the Tiger in your mind.
Preparation for labor and birth
should include taking a Guided Birth Tiger Safari.
It's a lovely process, uplifting, insightful.
I'll be your guide, it's easier than trying to do this alone.
 $100. whether it is one to two sessions, depending on what is needed.
Your Instructor
Pam England